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Another fantastic episode. I absolutely love what they've done with Negan. It's crazy to think that, as good as freedom sounded to him, it turned out to be even worse than the cell. Also, I love Judith and all, but there's no way in hell a girl that size could fire the colt python with any accuracy. That gun is as big as she is!


One of my favorite episodes!


Imagine surviving nearly a decade into this apocalypse, thinking you must have seen it all by then, and suddenly have a handful of walkers stop and stare at you in the woods before holding you at gunpoint... can probably guess just how confused and alarmed Alden and Luke felt right there in the moment 😬 Solid episode, high on my list; Judith and Negan's interactions have to be some of the best parts, that girl really is Carl's sister through and through 😄 Great spot by Rob as well, that was indeed the lineup location Negan visited, not everyone notices that at first glance 👌


I love rewatching this show with you guys because you both always bring up great points/views I haven’t thought before and it makes me enjoy each episode even more


Henry is the jar jar binks of this show. So irritating


It’s crazy to think that this is literally the same Judith that we saw as a baby in the prison times, now she’s a grown up bad ass using ricks gun

Kamanda Hickey

It’s interesting to see how Henri is more and more like Ezekiel. We all remember “killer Henri” as a kid, he was more like badass Caroll (not that King Ezekiel is not also badass 😅).

Josh B.

Everybody hates the kids in these shows lol they can never do right in peoples eyes, he is a good kid with a good heart you can't knock him for trying to have humanity, is it the best way to survive probably not but its worth a try especially after a whole war of nothing but killing.


I love Lydia (Cassidy Mc Clincy) ...she is the best dramatic actress on the show...R+T how are you liking the Angela Kang era...without Rick... The show gets better, go figure

Julia Ashley

I think too many people hate on Henry. He's annoying sometimes, sure, but he's just a kid with a good heart who is naive. It's a lot to do with how he was raised - he's basically been sheltered and grew up inside walls. Yes, he knows walkers are a thing. But he's going to still see the good in people. It's natural. If the world was like it used to be, he'd be praised for his kindness but he's just in the wrong world for his attitude.

the continent

I love that Daryl decided to tap into Henry’s naïveté. His whole approach is a reminder of why people like Carol & Michonne, have loved and trusted him as family whole time. He shows up for his ppl. It does suck that these characters in the different communities have grown apart, but I still appreciate the new bonds that have blossomed within them. So excited for what’s brewing with this new threat too.

Josh B.

Lol yeah as I was typing I was like watch them say they like Judith.


Henry [sigh]. I could never understand how someone who's seen the world go to shit; live in it for years; had his own traumas happen because of it, can be "accused" of being naive. He's a good kid, don't get me wrong, but just like Carl, Henry does what Henry wants to do, despite supposedly knowing better. Yes, Negan does not do well without a gang of people surrounding him & his needs. Hence, the real reason he went back to Alexandria. I mean, why not? He might be in a cell while it's happening, but he's still being served, isn't he? lol


Yeah they are comic book villains One of the greatest villains next to negan can't wait for you guys to learn more about them The hype is real


This is honestly the best arc in this series.

Brad Tyler

Agreed! It’s just so damn good. I love everything about this story arc.


Fun cute little fact about this episode: The actress who plays Judith had to swap off between holding a real gun (for the close up scenes) and a fake one for the further away scenes. However, for the scene where Negan is hopping over the wall she had to hold the real gun as it was all close up. When Judith puts the gun down in this scene its actually because the actress, Cailey's, arms were so tired from holding up the weight of the real gun that she couldn't do it anymore. She was supposed to continue pointing the gun at him during that scene :')


I think it’s time for a new thumbnail. 😬

Take a Ticket

you want us to google a new thumbnail and not be spoiled? we are limited and keep it safe by intention <3

Angelina Sargent

I love the judith and negan scenes. Watching her understand negan came back and walking away from him knowing he's just going to follow her back through the gates was so cute. And I can only imagine all the alexandrians seeing this little ass kicker strolling through with negan in tow as a not prisoner just following his warden back to jail. Hahahah

Michael Harrop

Love this episode, while he was certainly a bad guy I can't help but feel bad for Negan as he discovers his empire is gone, nobody waiting for his glorious return. Just an abandoned factory and pain for him.


A wholesome and simple as that comment about Henry being “the son of Carol” comment is, I always try to make fans remember that he was Ezekiel’s son first. He’s known Ezekiel longer and is closer and more similar to him in a lot of ways. Of course he’s Carol’s kid and it’s cute seeing her be a mom again but I feel like Ezekiel as a parent is overshadowed a lot. And this is directed towards the whole fandom and even the writing more so than just you guys lol.


If only season 7 Rick could see Negan and Judith bonding, he´d be confused as hell! LOL

Kamanda Hickey

Totally agree on that and that's also why I commented that he is more and more like Ezekiel. When you remember that as a kid all he wanted was revenge, he turned into a very sweet kid.


Two things: Yes, Negan definitely knows about Rick. Don't forget there's been a six year time jump, so Negan has known about Rick since it happened...And 2 - Negan was NOT going to hurt Michonne. He went in the house trying to find supplies that could help him on his journey...the shovel was for self defense.


Damnit Rob does it again!! 😁 you catch EVERYTHING sir and it makes me smile sooo big!! 💕

Take a Ticket

Shame we did not catch the thing in episode 10 until it was too late 🙈 TWD turning into an episode of Sherlock caught us out haha

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-15 08:02:42 Just starting ep 10 as I type so idk what you "missed" just yet. 😉 My daughter asked me the other day as I was reqatching a ep with you two "why do you love watching their reactions so much? Why jot just watch the ep on Netflix?" I told them watching reactions (ESPECIALLY YOU 2) is like watching hing my favorite series w/a friend. It's just way more fun! Most of my circle never got into TWD so I have no one to chat w/about it or hear other opinions. You 2 always offer up such great commentary it's as if I get to finally have those convos. 💕 I guess she liked my answer so much she started the series over again with the 2 of you now too 😊 she lovessss you Rob & gets tickeled when Trins legs go numb lol. Thanks as always for all you do. 😘
2023-06-14 08:19:40 Just starting ep 10 as I type so idk what you "missed" just yet. 😉 My daughter asked me the other day as I was reqatching a ep with you two "why do you love watching their reactions so much? Why jot just watch the ep on Netflix?" I told them watching reactions (ESPECIALLY YOU 2) is like watching hing my favorite series w/a friend. It's just way more fun! Most of my circle never got into TWD so I have no one to chat w/about it or hear other opinions. You 2 always offer up such great commentary it's as if I get to finally have those convos. 💕 I guess she liked my answer so much she started the series over again with the 2 of you now too 😊 she lovessss you Rob & gets tickeled when Trins legs go numb lol. Thanks as always for all you do. 😘

Just starting ep 10 as I type so idk what you "missed" just yet. 😉 My daughter asked me the other day as I was reqatching a ep with you two "why do you love watching their reactions so much? Why jot just watch the ep on Netflix?" I told them watching reactions (ESPECIALLY YOU 2) is like watching hing my favorite series w/a friend. It's just way more fun! Most of my circle never got into TWD so I have no one to chat w/about it or hear other opinions. You 2 always offer up such great commentary it's as if I get to finally have those convos. 💕 I guess she liked my answer so much she started the series over again with the 2 of you now too 😊 she lovessss you Rob & gets tickeled when Trins legs go numb lol. Thanks as always for all you do. 😘

Take a Ticket

We always appreciate your kind comments and support! So happy you can enjoy these with us and hopefully LOST when you get back to it 🥰 so fun you managed to get your daughter hooked also haha 💕❤️🥰