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Next Month will be the 90's poll! Sorry if your choices did not make it 🙈




I think you did well with your personal picks.

Victoria Davis

I think this is a great mix of genres and I’m super excited for this months lineup

Raphael Aguiar

Dead Poet Society uhul! My favorite movie ever! Thats just perfect storytelling.


Really like the new backdrop layout for the movies... the black with the popcorn and such. Looks great.


Sometimes it’s actually better if some of my suggestions don’t make it because then I get to watch something new that I most likely never would have seen otherwise. I am hoping for “honey I shrunk the kids” at one point though.


Here we go!

Jan T

April is looking good! 😊


Trading Places will need to be followed by Coming to America at some point


Beverly hills cop winning on a mishap is wild 🤣


I like this one. We have comedy, horror, fantasy, drama and action. Something for everyone.


Good choices! Not all to my favor but hey...f*** it :D and enjoy. Overall not one single bad movie in it

Chloe Arabella

I’m excited ms marvel is my second favorite character I hope you guys like the show and her actress bc Iman valani is Ms Marvel

Take a Ticket

🙈 yeah that is crazy tbh lol, I was not going to include it in the final but thought "It wont win anyway" 😂

Jenny Lee Villanueva

Love it. Only haven't seen Trading Places and Ferris Bueler (know some references though)


I think it was the lack of populour films in the second vote. Either way its a good movie so I'm excited for your reactions x

Jenny Lee Villanueva

Just realized they're 10 movies from the 90s I which you see 🤣🤣 will wait for most people's options next month and then put choice of mine lol


Should’ve saved money this month

Amber B.

Gonna be a great month. While the autism in me kinda wishes Beetlejuice and Nightmare on Elm Street was in October for Halloween, I'm still excited for everything this month.


It is what it is. Money is tight. I don’t watch any shows they watch. And this months movies are bad.

Alan Petersen

two Eddie Murphy movies! he's so talented and these are a couple of his great ones


When there isn't movies or shows to my taste I just rewatch their old reactions. I've paid for their reactions not the movies they react to & wether I like the months movies or not I don't mind financially supporting their hard work. When my subscription runs out and I can't afford to resub then I cancel my membership untill I can afford it on pay day , just a few suggestions..


i allot a specific amount of money a month for entertainment. that includes this subscription. it would be nice if they posted what the month of reactions will be at least the day before the first, that way their subscribers can choose to continue or not. it's nice you can choose to continue to pay for a service you aren't getting anything out of. i use these reactions as a means of escaping. if i'm not getting anything out of it, then i don't think it's fair i should be paying. they're great reactors. just don't think paying for nothing is worth it, in my opinion. maybe in the future they can consider holding their poll results a day earlier.


They did post that the theme is 80s movies... days before the 1st. If you don't like much from the 80s, you had days to jump out. And you could see the way the votes were very likely going before the end. Generally the 1st poll winners take the whole thing, I've noticed. (Though, doesn't help everyone because you can go monthly by any date now. I think my renewal is around the 20th of each month. It does suck though when Patreon processes your payment the day before the turnover date.) It's a pretty good mix this month of comedy, award winning drama, horror. Next month will be 90s. You gotta roll the dice... or not.


I feel this... I have so many. I want Apollo 13 so badly. It's one of the only significant Tom Hanks films that they haven't seen yet. It keeps just missing. I prefer it to Forrest Gump, etc... But, yeah, many others, too.

Leo Challoner

what about the xmen movies? 😭

Ellen Noir

I rewatch their old reactions too. I thought I was the only one lol


They've been watching X-Men as part of the Marvel Sunday slot.. as they continue the whole Marvel journey. So they made room for 3 movies last month... now they are watching the weekly eps of Ms. Marvel in that slot. When that's done, they'll probably fit in more... but I don't know their exact Marvel schedule order.

Leo Challoner

ahh okay thank you!! ❤️ i look forward to the reactions...especially the upcoming xmen ones, they're some of my fav marvel movies😍

Simon Williams

I don’t know if anyone has mentioned it but there is a movie coming out this summer that you guys will probably want to watch that may sort of require finishing the X-men movies first 😬😜

Oriana Lo Presti

Patiently waiting for the poll where I could suggest society of the snow. Every reactor is getting on that train, but i need YOU guys to :((((


1998 - What Dreams May Come (with Robin Williams)