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i Robot 2004 FULL REACTION



I love this movie and you guys did a great reaction!! You know, I always had this personal headcanon that, Sonny did in fact have a "ghost in the machine".. Dr Lanning put so much of himself into building Sonny to be different from the other NS-5s and it has pretty much convinced me that in some way, he may have imbued Sonny with a portion of his own soul in the process. It sounds silly I know, but I do think in some way, perhaps this became Sonny's "ghost". Even tho he had a "brain" and a "heart", he acted incredibly human. Just something I would think about, watching this movie :).

George Baxter

'Why they hell wouldn't they suspect the robots?!' Rob says this a few times. Like we dont live in a world where we blindly accept the information on our phones, or trust them with our secrets... And they dont even have faces! Yes we're all sceptical but we accept the good with the bad even as these tools are used to manipulate and get smarter every day! Rob predicts few plot points but only because this notion of robotics and laws literally came from I Robot by Asimov. This film makes it much more entertaining but honestly nobody is smarter than their computer or the plot of this film