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So this has been a long time coming I think and will probably surprise very few but I will be ending the Commission Patreon rewards (both the $15 and $25 tiers) in the way I have been doing them. I really love doing the monthly commissions (which is a big part of why I've been hesitant to stop) but I 'm gonna have to stop doing them.

Basically, things are way different for me now compared to when I first started. When I first started I didn't even expect the 5 colored commission slots to be filled and now those are filled constantly (plus more trying to squeeze in, I have loads of people in the sketch tier and I'm also working on other big projects (one of which I think many of you will REALLY like if we can do it the way we want to). This patreon started as a way to incentivize commissions but what I need now is almost the opposite lol.  

I will still be finishing up any commissions that have been paid for of course. So on that note, if you have not talked to me yet about said commission, feel free to PM me with what you'd like done at any time, otherwise I'll simply message you when I'm ready to start :3

Though I understand that this will likely make many of you unsub (which is fine, please dont feel obligated to pledge to me) I still wanna do something cool for rewards, likely some polls and suggestions and of course first dibs on art I make. Not completely sure what else though. I'm free to any suggestions of course! Also if you have any questions that I may not have made clear in my rambling or anything feel free to ask at any point ^_^. 



I was honestly expecting a price bump but whatever works for you, my dude!


I do have one suggestion, maybe limit the commissions to just like a raffle thing for a certain tier?


You have to do whatever you feel that's right for you to do and whats best for the folks that sub to you what you put out their besides you take good loving of stitch away from us come on now. I love all that you do it's gorgeous of your artwork but its understandable on what decision make