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The return of the phantom phalluses 




Oh my God, ghost cock party. I’m not sure if you’re gonna have Velma take multiple cocks at once, I can’t seem to recall any animation you’ve made with that. Regardless, I’m excited to see this, since last Velma every new vid kept getting better and better. (Not that the animations before that weren’t absolutely amazing too)

Mr. Z

I can not wait for this!!! Thank you, Redmoa! 😀


Man she's about to get busy.


Jinkies, for a moment there I had mistakenly read "(WIP) Velma" as "(RIP) Velma" O_o...X-D

Hans Soloo

What a workhorse, shooting out original animations like it's nothing. Hype!

Thomas M Pitzer

Dude, you rock! Just as I finish laughing over "Aunt Cass-Buttjob," you announce a follow up to one of the best animations you ever did! Looking for it! But always looking for more Cass; She still has more "TAGS" to go thru.


Fuck Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Z

I'm honestly tempted to NOT log into Patreon until December, cause I don't want any spoilers for this video until it drops!


Always team Velma, ALWAYS!!!


Would love to see her red headed friend join the fun