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IRL news and other stuff.
- Not doing much SFM posters this month but I got an idea called "Sketches", which are simple, one shot posters of the characters I have on SFM doing some cool or sexy pose, much like drawing a sketch would be for the most traditional artists. It'll be either SFW or NSFW depending on my mood. That's something I'll work more next year.

- We're very close from my art hiatus, meaning I'll close my commissions soon. However I won't leave you without posters since all of them are scheduled and ready to go, to both patrons and my public gallery. I hope you enjoy them!

- As for my moving, I have some good and bad news: the good is that we're very close to go back to my old place since there's only a few things left to be finished, like cleaning and organization. The bad it's that this is gonna take another whole month to do so which means I'll only be able to go back there on January next year, which's ironically when we'll complete a year we are far from there. I hope we can come back early but I wouldn't count on that, unfortunately. Looks like it's another month dealing with power outtages and loose internet connections, oh well.
Thanks for taking your time to read this, and I hope you have a great week! 😁


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