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- Well, it certainly took a while but I've finally realized something: I'm in a familiar relationship with a narcissist, who cares only about himself and his reputation, and me be damned. He certainly checks some things mostly narcissists have, as it can be seen on this video.

I don't care if people believe me or not on this, I'm living with an obvious sick person which's also making me sick on my head, a literal villain from a soap opera. I should've realized this after so many insults and threats he has sent my way and how he appears to be a "saint" to other people. Now I understand why he treated my mother like shit when she was severely ill and couldn't even walk anymore, and also how he does the same to me.

Now I can see through his facade, and spot his patterns. I already made my decision, and on the first opportunity we get to get out of here I'll go on separate ways from him. No point in supporting an "one-way" relationship like this because he'll never change. Narcissists usually act like little spoiled brats, and they're always right while you are always wrong. Won't confront him about this right now but I'll have keep an eye on his attitudes and words from now on.

Anyway, folks, wish me luck and I hope I can be free from this mess someday. Sorry for this journal being more a rant than anything else but I've had to share my little realization with all of you.
Have a good week.


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