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Our cat boy Cheshire arranged a date with one of my character crushs I've had for a while: Kif from Futurama.

Now I know he's not that gay but at least let a little guy like me dream a little, okay ? This is just a harmless fanart of one of my favorite characters hanging on with my persona.

It's evening, and after a stroll around the forest both Cheshire and Kif go back to where the lake was for a chat...

"...and it's so refreshing to see and explore such places with such a nice company like you.", Kif says, with a visible happy mood on his face, "When I'm out there I rarely have time to catch my breath and appreciate the scenery. This feels...good somehow, altough I feel a little guilty for not doing my usual job since I'm always on the run."

"I see.", Cheshire says, "Which's why I suggest you could use some day-off during your work and take pictures of the places you go. I'd like to see some of them since, well, I don't have a spaceship or anything else to use to travel to another planets, you know."

"*chuckles* That's an interesting idea, Cheshire, I may try that someday. As for the day-off that may be a bit difficult since my boss can be a bit of a...bonehead, you know. Not to mention how he's always aiming for big objectives like he's the main character of a video-game."

"I think you should honestly ditch that guy and make your own destiny, Kif.", Cheshire says, "You know, it'd be fun to travel around space with you with you in charge instead of that...knucklehead of a boss you have."

"You think ?", Kif says, once again caught by surprise, "I've always wanted to command my own fleet but I always doubt myself if can do so since it's a very big responsability, you know." To which Cheshire replies:

"Well, you'll need to start trust yourself more first and find value for yourself instead of trying to weight your value and decisions based on what other people say about you, Kif. Look to be the best person you can be and I think you'll do just fine."

"Thanks for your kind and wise words, Cheshire.", Kif says, not being able the huge smile on his face towards his companion.

"You're welcome, Kif.", Cheshire says, "Now, I'd like to ask you something."

"And what it would be ?", he says.

"Futurama" Franchise © Matt Groening.



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