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...and this time it's a very obscure multiversal version of a known character who made a few appearances on Archie's Sonic The Hedgehog comics pre-Super Genesis Wave: Silver Snively.

And yes, he's a very obvious parody of Silver Surfer from Marvel Comics. I personally find him to be hot anyway, heh. 😂😍

He's short, cute and powerful, and that's everything I need from him.

To quote the Mobius Enclycopedia:

"Silver Snively is an alternate version of Snively Robotnik from a post-apocalyptic version of Mobius. Silver Snively is the servant of Robolactus and enemy of the Freedom Fighters of the Galaxy. (StH: #103, #104) He was later caught by Zone Cops and thrown into Zone Jail with Robolactus. (StH:#31)"

Of course I'll be using for the usual gig: personal art, commissions and requests.

Enjoy! 😉



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