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IRL news and stuff. Sorry for being late, I completely forgot about this.
- At the beginning of the week we had a power outtage which lasted which has begun at the evening of Thursday and lasted until next day at the end of evening. The reason ? There was a shootout where I live where bandits from a rival faction where I live tried to invade my location and then shit hits the fan. During the shootout some idiot shot one of the transformers and there we go, lights went out and we have to spend the rest of the day in the darkness.
Eventually it went back on the next day but the police had to occupy the place with even helicopters so to avoid that a further mess happened.

I think that not all of you know about this but I live in a shanty town/favela on Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, called Juramento (Oath) where we have to deal with this kind of stuff every once in a while and live with a humble community. We may not be rich or live with glamour but I'm grateful to have somewhere to live at least and a good PC to do my posters.

- Consider this is a rumor: we may move to my former aunt's house this week so stay tuned. I'll let you know when this happens so don't worry about it.

- As you know by now I'm on my art hiatus so commissions are closed until March next year. I'll be sure to play a lot of games and watch videos during this rest, heh. It's my way to not have a burnout and come back with my energies restored to give my best to you, make brand new posters and work on commissions without struggling to do them. However I'm already downloading new models to play with to SFM and I can't wait to work with them next year!
Thanks for taking your time to read this journal and have a good week! 😁


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