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*Insert Marvel Opening Theme Here*

Just a sneak peak of what may happen in the future, both for my public galleries and also my Patreon. It works with Marvel so why not do so too ?

The hype is real.

Anyway, I hope you have a nice Christmas and a Happy New Year. I'll keep on monitoring my art sites and Patreon however at a less frequent pace since I'll take a break from Source Fillmmaker starting on this very day.

However I won't leave you without posters, and I already scheduled them in Postybirb and Patreon on their usual days.

Once again, have a Happy New Year and let's hope that in the next year things get better for all of us.




Ooo~ Can't wait to see what these could be ^^ Also the monkey in the bottom right looks like he has a cum face XD


You'll have to wait and see what that sexy monkey is up to.😉 These posters will be worth the wait, you can be sure of that.