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Hey all! I just thought I'd let you know that the reprints you have been asking for are coming and they're coming tomorrow! I'll post the link to the Kickstarter here first so you guys can go in and grab what you really want before anyone else!

There'll be sparkly token reprints reprints of the 20 most asked for sparkly tokens, and for early backers there'll be signed artist proofs! :D 

That's it for now! See you in 24 hours! :D



Will be the Chiba Angel as a stretch Goal avaible? =D


Is there a preview page or a link to sign up at for notifications, or should we just look out for a new Patreon update tomorrow? I've been in love with your art for ages, and just stumbled upon your Patreon recently, looking forward to getting some of the past tokens you've created. Love this!


How are the artist proofs gonna be handled? I’d like to order tokens for me and my friend and would love to get him the artist proof too. :)


Btw can you spoiler the Ks Tiers for us? =D

Mr. Pendulum

I imagine it'll be close to the last one. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/algenpfleger/johannes-voss-sparkly-token-collection/description