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  • Ecchi-Fruitanari_Punch-Kajitsu-Pose02-Animation h264.mp4



Kajitsu packs a punch, and more. 🍌

(Just appreciating the musculature and how the forms are lightly defined in the cel-style minimalism. I hit a good balance here.)

I must have been feeling the ecstasy of figure drawing while working out these Kajitsu shots. Look at this. The artist was having a good time. "Please sir. may I draw another?"

IDK, all that practice sketching was paying off. They're pretty strong. Good job, me.


Again, this was during the time where I wasn't sure if Kajitsu's true futa status could be overtly stated. Also, for good or ill, I made the determination that posting anything explicit on the socials was asking to be shadow banned or otherwise algorithmically dumpstered, hence the Post-it Note-style censorship.

Of course, it'd take more than that little rectangle to hide Kajitsu's package. That thing’s definitely drooping to mid-leg.

Finally, there's another blink and expression animation cycle down in the attachments.





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