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A painting for fun :) 

"Lady La Lupin is from very old and very respectful family. No vampire hunter or inquisitor dares to rise his voice in her presence. If you will be well behaving she might even tell her daughters to not suck you dry. Now take off your pants."



Unknown Fan

Gosh, now I wish for her to be ingame character. If not in the village/valley, then perhaps in the town(when it comes out)?

Liam Devlin

What a LUV-ly Chesty character!


I wouldn't mind donating some blood to her. btw it should be 'dares to raise his voice'


I want to suck on her as much as she wants to suck on me. Also +1 for a GILF.

Unknown Fan

I’m probably wrong, but you mentioned adding a town section, you could access from the border gates, to visit Krowly’s father or something. Or I just had a bad trip and imagined it….


I was probably answering a question about this and my answer always was - no, it won't be added :) There gates aren't the gates of a town, these are border gates of the kingdom (we are outside). They represent a border of the map, nothing will be added past them


Always into sexy vampire ladies in fantasy tales. Even more so if they’re the cum sucking type ;)