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A small hotfix.


- missed translated lines in the adventure with Jaina and Rose

- a bug with busty Krowly's illustration getting stucked on the screen



Hey man i cant fight with the ghost girl properly what can i do ? i did all the things.


The best way to defeat her is to drink 2 bottle of minotaur milk before the battle, it will help you to attack faster , and use a sleep spell. She is not attacking first round after sleep spell, so you can use sleep - fireball - sleep - firaball etc till you win. You probably will have to save/load a few times


Hello Boobsgamer there seems 2 be a glitch on (Fin) affection status i went from 102 down to 10 this all happened during the waterfall fight between the elfs this is from ver.033 whats the hotfix on ver.033.1 and if i play the new ver.033.1 do i have to start all over again.please respond over.


Hello! Thanks for letting me know about this bug. I have fixed it. It will work right in the next hotfix that I'll post in a few days. For now you can use cheet room to set the level of relationship with FIna as high as it should be. The secret entrance to the cheet room is in the down right corner of the basement of Krowly's house.


I have 3 questions, 1- the game will have "multiple layers" of cum? 2- Will the game have any kind of footjob? 3- When jill will have some "love". Thanks very much for all


Thnks 4 taking the time 2 respond can i ad a final question 2 this awesome game u made,will u be adding animation in the game not the smaller ones but ones like (clara) sex scene hope am not asking 2 much .


Its a damn shame this game focuses so much on gay shit.


1 - Something like when in the titfuck scene with Fina you can choose where to cum, on the face or on the breasts, but when the lust is too high, Krowly will cum everywhere? :) 2- I'll think about. May be in the future; 3 - yes, there will be sex scenes with Jill ^^


Animation isn't easy thing. Right now I don't have enough skills. I want to try it in the future, but currently I'm focused on more important aspects of the game. Animations could really slow down the development


Quick question! Do you still do commissions? I saw you advertising for it on tumblr but it's gone now so I have no information..


Yes, I do, but currently my commissions are closed. Next time I'll open them at February 5th, I think. I'll make a new page with the commissions' info at newground, or here, at patreon.


I'm having a bit of trouble finding the futa elves, and i can't figure out how to do the quest with jaina and the redhead, could you help me out? Great game btw, I've been following for a while now and I really like your art


Out of curiosity I beat the ghost and went to the basement but the plaque is all broken up and Rose isn't giving me the option for a reading... am I missing a piece to move on or no?


Thank you! Futa elfes appear during the quest "Contract" - it will be started when you will try to summon the succubus in the basement. The adventure with Jaina and Rose could be triggered at random basis during the hunt with Eric. But you have to finish the quest "Big green" first. To start this quest talk with Eric at morning (your lvl must be 4 or higher)


You are doing everything right :) After trying to read the plaque go to the top floor and activate the magic circle


How do you get alice's stuff, I have the other two


Woot Woot!


maybe stupid question, but how do I trigger the "big green" quest?


How do I get the cum on Jill scene?


Those scenes could triggered at random basis when Krowly is masturbating at night. It should be night, and Jill already should be in the village. :)


Just need to say thanks for boobsgames to answer all the questions of us, you are one of few developers that answer the questions of the people, good christmas for you sir, that this year (and the next) be the best year for you.


Thank you! I'm trying my best with the comments, heh. I think I still missed a few questions. Best wishes to you too and happy christmas! :)


FYI, mega gives me dl error at 4,5 MB on both firefox and chrome for 0.330.1 version. 0.33 seems to dl just fine


Thanks for letting me know! Right now it works for me. When I had similar problem I worked it out by disabling proxy and clearing the cache. Hope it will help :)


Бро, где найти якорь. И ещё вопрос, можно добавлять больше подсказок для квестов, а то тяжеловато их искать


Этот квест пока не реализован :) Как в тексте квеста и написано - "не в этой версии".


Ещё два вопроса. Что по закрытым проходам(Спальня Старосты и Столица) и заканчивается ли сюжет после миссии в СПА центре?


Не знаю что по проходам сказать. Они закрыты. В чем вопрос то? :D Да, в текущей версии там сюжет заканчивается. Есть супер маленький квест c Элизабет Дарквуд и спа, но он не часть сюжета