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I wanted to let you know that I have paused July's payment. I should have paused June's, but as hindsight is 2020, I'm pausing July's. So you won't be charged.

I have been having a lot of mental health issues, combined with a serious lack of time to work on my writing, the words just haven't been coming as well as they usually do. 

Part of that is that while writing SA, I stupidly interrupted my usual process and was like - sure Tao, you can edit for system consistency while I write...

Whiiiiiich does not work for me. Then I have to go back and correct, and backtrack and correct, and constantly make these minuscule changes - and then I start second guessing myself. So when I have had time, I've been doing these tiny nitty gritty things and not advancing the 60 odd thousand words I already have.

I sincerely apologize for being so absent, and feel super lucky and loved to have all of you supporting me no matter what.

So thank you for bearing with me. I'm hoping to come back slowly and begin posting more as of July. After all, kiddo goes back to school in August, and I will finally have my work days again. Weeeeeeee

Chat to you all soon.



Daniel Schinhofen

Mental health can be a right bitch at times. Do what you need to. As for changing how you normally work, yeah that always throws wrenches into the works. Just do what you can, but take care of you first.

