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I want to thank everyone who is still here. Thank you for your support, thank you for your encouragement, and thank you above all for sticking with me.

2020 was a rough year for a lot of us. Myself included. Online schooling for the kiddo is a lot more work than I’d anticipated. Finding the time to create has been difficult.

This year I finished Somnia, launched the first two books in Second Chance, and burned out my creative brain in a wonderful explosion. I’m still not sure how I managed to release 4 books, but I did, and I thank you all for being here with me.

I’m looking at starting 2021 off fresh, and I’m glad to say my forced break has done my brain good. I’m finally feeling creative again. Maybe it was playing wow, maybe it was just not forcing myself to push through another book — either way I’m feeling much better.

I will be working on Second Chance Book 3, System Apocalypse Australia, and a fun project with a friend.

I’ve nixed a couple of the tiers I offered and will be implementing a limited audio option, and a limited hardcover option for the new year.

Again - thank you all for everything.

I wiped down my 2020 schedule and filled in the dates and goals for 2021.

I’m excited to get started.

I can’t wait to see where the next years take us.

Much love




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