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Got these cool new transport boxes I just designed.

I needed someone as for to test them.

Nobody let me test my products on them anymore.

So I had to use diplomacy.

I tricked Jasmine, as for to.

I told her that I needed her modeling talent (lol) and that I would pay her (lol) for this professional (lol) photoshoot.

And she came (lol).

While she was distracted, looking at the camera, I joined Penguin, who was hiding under the bed with all the ropes and stuffs.

We then ambushed Jasmine.

Tied her up a little, as for to help us get her in the box.

Sensory deprivation too. That helps.

And then we boxed her.


Now let's see how long it takes her to get out of there. That's the REAL test.

For to be honest.




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