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My latest obsession these days is Dungeon Crawl Classics, an insanely fun RPG from Goodman Games. You can get the rules here for free: https://goodman-games.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/DCC_QSR_Free.pdf

I’ve been itching to write a 0-level funnel adventure for it. Funnels ask players to create 4-5 characters each, all randomly generated. The starter dungeon is dangerous so it’s likely most (if not all) will die. Whoever is left becomes a full character.

I could use some input on the adventure’s name. I’ve randomly generated some gonzo titles for it. Pick the one you like best.


Douglas Curfew

Will you be converting these into 5e or going with the rules from Goodman?


Awesome. I'm planning on running DCC once I finish my current 5e campaign.