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Heya Bunbuns! October is now here, and as per my previous post talking about the changes I'll make, I'm now rolling them out. ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/september-71115022 ) These changes were neccesary as I have gone through many recent changes in my life. My wrist health, starting college, having more time to attend to my family, etc. (More info on that in the linked post)
The $10 tier is already in place as shown in the image above, and the $12 tier will be deleted by October 31st (currently it's just hidden to avoid new Patrons pledging to it).
I've summarize the changes mentioned in my last post below:

Baby Buns ($5):

+ Access to 1/2 monthly illustrations made per month. (the one made from the Bestie Bun tier!)

+ Adding my school work to dropbox rewards

Buns with Benefits ($10):

+ Price reduction from $12 to $10

+ Adding my school work to dropbox rewards

+/- Concidering adding the ability to send me your art via my discord server for critisism. I would pick 1-2 art pieces per month to post onto my Patreon with said critisism. Critisism of the art would Include: guidelines drawn over for comparison, personal written notes on where to improve, adding helpful reference and/or art resources (videos, pdf books, irl images, art theory), etc. I might do this in video format, too, if it would be more convenient. (I'd love to do this, because it would also put my art knowledge to the test and help me improve as well!)

- Only the second monthly illustration is exclusive to this tier now, instead of the first and second. (hence the price reduction)

Bestie Buns ($60):

* No changes, except the monthly illustration made for those in this tier will be shown to the $5 tier to view as well. (Previously only available for the $12 tier to view).

Possible Questions:

How do I change my tier?
- Patreon has a guide on how to do that here!: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000126286-How-do-I-edit-my-membership-

Will I still be able to pick a previous Patreon Pack if i was $12 last month, but $10 now?
- Yes, absolutely! This benefit is still included.

I already paid $12 for this month. What now?
- No worries! I can see who was charged $12 for October, (even if you move tiers) and I'll be giving you a special art treat to make those extra $2 worth it this month! Hopefully by the next one, everyone will be in the $10 tier tho ^^

What if I forget to move tiers by the end of the month?
- I will notify anyone who hasn't changed their tiers via a direct message a few days in advance. So no worries! You'll most likely catch on. What does happen though if you haven't moved tiers by the time it's deleted, is you'll end up categorized as "no tier". This unfortunately would keep withdrawing a monthly pledge from you, but with no access to the rewards. However, if there are people who end up in the "No tier" category by the start of November, I will refund them. Along with notifying them again to change their tiers. Sadly I cannot manually move a Patron to a new tier myself. The only option would be to block and unblock them to remove their pledge alltogether (not reccomended by Patreons staff/site).

Another important mention:

I've seen a lot of Patrons feel conflicted about my method of sharing rewards. It's too complicated and has driven a lot of patrons away, or put a distain to the process of getting to the rewards. Therefore, I will make downloads available throughout the whole month from here on out (instead of at the beginning of the next month).

I hope this makes things easier! All I want is to keep you all satisfied, while also trying to keep my content somewhat safe. Although, in the far future I hope to move much closer to rewards linked directly to patron satisfaction & interaction Instead of exclusive rewards. That way I don't have to put so much focus into keeping rewards from being leaked. (I do enjoy making exclusive rewards tho! But it's a lot more sustainable to build rewards based on personal interactions or direct collaboration with you guys. And also a lot more rewarding for me!).

I wish welcome notes also came directly into your patreon inbox, instead of email... It's much easier to keep track of a patreon inbox than fishing for the same email with the link in. I will try to find a better method for this, too (by getting it into all patrons inboxes, or somewhere else thats easier to find).

Do let me know if you have any suggestions, or know of any methods other patreon creators use when sharing their rewards on other sites. 

Leave a comment if you have any other questions about this update!
Thank you for reading <3


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