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This was so much fun thank you all who attended!! 


After Star Trek DS9 1x4 and 1x5 Stream

After Star Trek Premieres on Wednesday! Will be about 30 minute long to discuss the episodes and anything else you would like to talk about!


g g gooding

I tried to send a $5 superchat near the end of the live-stream. It said payment successful, but I don't think it went through. Did you get it? If not, I "owe" you a Lincoln.

RolyPolyOllie Reactions

It says it went through on my end. Thank you so much for sending it! Sorry that I didn't catch it on stream I would have said thank you there!


Ollie, such a great idea to do a livestream after finishing every season! It will be so much fun to all of us sharing our thoughts and opinions to DS9.