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Hello Everybody! A fairly gory film!! PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rolypolyolliereactions INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rolypolyolliereactions/ LETTERBOXD: https://letterboxd.com/Olllllllllllie/


Sherman Lin

Alien 3 by itself is a good movie BUT the fundamental problem is the written story line destroys the previous point and plot of the previous film Aliens by killing off Newt and Hicks. If Ripley had chickened out in Aliens and Not saved Newt they would have escaped the queen would have died in the atomic blast and Ripley and Hicks survived. If Ripley had chickened out and not even have gone the marines probably would have been wiped out at the processing plant and again the blast would have killed the queen. The entire plot of Aliens 3 basically negates its prior film Aliens. Everything Ripley did was negated and the world would have been better off if she had not gone on her journey in Aliens 2 that's why Aliens 3 is an abomination the written plot undermines the heroism of Aliens 2