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Preparing for the movies!!!


Star Trek TNG ENCOUNTER AT FARPOINT and Q WHO REACTIONS - Preparation for the Movies!!!

Hello Everybody! These episodes were pretty good!! PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rolypolyolliereactions INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rolypolyolliereactions/ LETTERBOXD: https://letterboxd.com/Olllllllllllie/ 0:00 - Ad 2:35 - Encounter at Farpoint 1 13:43 - Review 15:46 - Encounter at Farpoint 2 27:55 - Review 30:07 - Q Who 43:16 - Review


Justin Schroeck

Glad you're watching and enjoying these. Even if you don't do reactions it's a great show to just get into if you're looking for something to binge some time. The first couple seasons are good but once you're into S3 it gets great..and there's a lot of call backs and reoccurring characters. The show just gets better and better. It's so well written. BTW - You probably didn't recognize him but the kid that played "Wesley" (Beverly Crusher's son) played Gordie, the main kid in the movie "Stand By Me".

Dustin Denner

Always love Q episodes. John de Lancie owned that role.