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I dropped Astro Note and The Fable since they are both in my bottom 5 of the season and they are the least watched by you all. I will be starting Reincarnated as the 7th Prince on Monday and Archdemon Lord's Dilemma today.

I am considering doing a winner takes all poll with Date a Live V, Girls Band Cry and Train to the End of the World. Whichever wins is the one I watch so Date a Live fans can save their series if they really believe it will get better.



Can't wait for the Reincarnated as the 7th Prince reactions great anime


Please peeps dont vote for DaL just to see Joe suffer. However, i with the alternatives were more enticing.


After the way the latest ep ended, I don't doubt it's gonna get better, series is pretty much at the endgame I think the plot will get a lot more enticing than the past 4 seasons, just like it did in the last 2 eps of S4.