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Hello Everyone. As always, I hope you are all doing well.

Again, sorry to get so quiet. It's been an interesting two or three weeks. (Not that interesting, but it has been trying.) The short version is that 2 1/2 weeks ago, my water heater ruptured. I was just making coffee and I heard a load "Ping" and the sound of water running... I check and my water heater has sprung a hole in the tank. So I had to shut it down and clean up, spend a week with no hot water, and then got a $900 repair bill... 

I can live without hot water for a bit, since after the lock downs, I'm still in "Hermit Mode", but  we've also had at least 3 severe thunder storms, and I can't have my render PC on during a thunder storm... So I've lost a lot of time on a comic I was supposed to have done a week ago... 

Genuinely sorry to everyone. I'm still working to finish that comic as soon as possible, but I did make some time to render a few quick poster images for you guys last night. There will be a comic release later this month ( just need a few days to finish up and get it formatted) but I didn't want you guys thinking I forgot about you. Now, if you will excuse me... I hear thunder again...

Nikki: Wish you were here_ Download Here 



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