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Hey everyone. Just posting a quick teaser about the next Nikki comic coming up.

Nikki: Motivation. 

It's still in production. I am aiming for around 50-60 pages, so I'm hoping to have the artwork finished in a few days (already around 30 images done).

Also, let me know in the comments how you guys and girls are liking these shorter form stories. Not that I'm done with the big long Nikki adventures, just trying to make sure you guys get more steady content... 

(Image is from a unfinished Valentines Day set)




10 pages, 60 pages, 1000 pages... Whatever Nikki needs for her fabulous form of mayhem. 😁


FUCK YEAH! Love Nikki in that lingerie 🥰😈💋


Nikki in small doses is just as good as Nikki in big doses.

Bobbie Blaise

I'm fine with small stories and I do like long storiest too...I would be sad if you stopped making long stories though.


Have no fear, between my love of dialog scenes and me just not knowing when to stop, I'll never stop making long stories. (In fact, I'm doing the short ones so I can clear my schedule and finish the Matters of Privacy series)