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Hey everyone. As always, I hope you are all doing well!

Sorry to get quiet on you, yet again. Summer heat and yardwork have been kicking my ass. I find it very hard to concentrate on long term projects during this time of year. I'll get a little bit done, make a little progress, then can't seem to get back to the project in a timely manner because it's too hot and sticky to sit in front of a PC and concentrate... So I'm thinking of doing more short form stuff until the heat breaks. More on that in a second...

Aside from a commission from one of you guys, the one project I've actually made any real progress on is a little something I'm cooking up for Erogenesis. Some of you may know that Ero is a good friend of mine and he's going though some tough personal stuff right now (it involves family, so it's not my place to talk about it) but I figured he'd need a good laugh and cheering up when he gets back to the UK next week, so I've been making something to, hopefully, brighten his day a bit. (the above image is a little sneaky hint from an early test render) But while I rush to finish this, I have some stuff to share with the kind permission of the commissioner... so look for that to get posted tomorrow.

As for a summer project, I'm thinking that in addition to some short fun comics, it's time for our annual session of ASK NIKKI ! But this time you'll get to ask Nikki and 'Clips questions, so if you have questions for Nikki or me, ask way in the comments or DMs and we'll answer them in a comic! Any thing you want, (the only questions I won't be answering are if they would have MAJOR story spoilers for something I already have planned but I may give you a little hint) Behind the scenes info, character back story, ask anything you like! An official announcement post will be coming shortly, but you can start with the questions now...

So, the highlights:

A new Ask Nikki Q&A comic coming soon. Get you questions in now!

A special project in the works for Erogenesis (but, of course I'll post it here for you guys too)

Commissioned image series art coming tomorrow...

And, as always, stay safe and well out there guys! 





Ooookaaaay!!!! This has got to be the easiest Ask Nikki Question I have ever asked..... Where is "Matters of Privacy" part 4.... Naked Girls Cliffhanger.... You left it on a Naked Girls Cliffhanger.... 😭😭


LOL. Fare enough... (It's a little over three quarters finished... guess I should get back to that, huh?)