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I also wanted to put in a quick thank you since I see that we have had a sudden and unexpected, but very welcome influx of members in the last two days! I think this is the highest number of subscribers I've ever had! So THANK YOU to all of you! Both the new members and all returning members... I know some of you may just be temporary members spreading around your stimulus money... but I still appreciate your support!

Also, for all those who are new, and of course for all returning members, please feel free to explore, comment, ask questions, and make suggestions... And please let me know if you are having trouble finding or accessing things! 

Most importantly, i hope you all have fun here and enjoy the content!



Hey keep up the awesome work been following your stuff for a while and decided to join your patreon to help support


Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy, and let me know if there's anything I can do to make your stay more fun or if you have any questions!


Is there any chance of a comic, where nikki is the passive girl and who is fucked by other futa girls?


There is a pretty good chance of seeing Nikki get railed by one of the other girls... though I don't know how "Passive she'd really be... If you haven't already, you may want to check out these two comics to tide you over till then...