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Hey everyone, as always I hope your are all doing well!

First, an update on Nikki Gets Nailed part 3. The story artwork is FINALLY DONE!!! I just have the Cover Art to do and then I can start post working this monster! (shouldn't take long, the girls don't have much on for pretty much the whole thing!). You do have my apologies that it isn't already finished like I thought it would be, but the situation with Grandma has my sleep schedule in even more chaos the usual! (hence why I'm sending this message at 8:15 on a Wednesday morning, I haven't been to sleep yet!) Hopefully, I'll knock out the last image today before my brain cuts out. 

Second, a heads up, with Grandma in the hospital for the foreseeable future, I am likely going to have to take some private commissions to help with the bills. And as always, I am letting you guys know well before I make any kind of public announcement. If any of you would like something special outside of the stuff I normally post (I think you guys have a pretty good idea of what my content rules are, but if you have questions, feel free to ask) like a personalized image or something, contact me via Patreon's message system, Deviant Arts message system, or via Email or Twitter(@Apocalypse3DX or Apocalypse3DX@gmail) with questions or inquiries. 

That's all for now! As I post work the heaps of images for NGN3, I'll make you guys a quick preview, but my focus is on getting this baby finished as soon as I can! Safe Safe everyone!



Cool XXX