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Hey Everyone! Hope you're all doing well and staying warm and safe out there!

Okay, funny story... (alright, it's less funny and more an insight into how my little brain works)

Not too long ago (two weeks, or so...) I was watching some videos by Outside Xbox on YouTube to pass the time while I did something else, as I often do. (If you've never seen them, I highly recommend OX and it's sister channel Outside Extra, if you're interested in video games, or geek stuff in general. And their Oxventure D&D games are hilarious!) Anyway, as I was scrolling through the recommendations from OX, I saw one of their "Let's Play" videos (were they play through a game, but with their own unscripted commentary) for the recent remake of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. Normally, I would skip a video about RE because I'm usually not a big fan of horror games or movies (with the Aliens and Evil Dead series being among the few exceptions) but I was just in that kind of mood were I thought, "What the hell!". (Besides, I figured it would be funny since the hosts of OX usually freak out during horror games. Their Hollow-Stream livestreams are really funny)

So anyway, I watch the video, and it's pretty good. And thanks to the cinematic cut-scenes, I now have a low-key fanboy crush on the redesigned Jill Valentine character... After that, I can't help but notice (or suddenly pay more attention to) all the 3D fan art of Jill on Twitter. This leads me down the rabbit hole of doing a few searches for Jill V fanart, which leads me to Resident Evil fanart (of the adult variety) and more and more Monster on Girl related 'adult entertainment'... As I do, I find some of this stuff I quite like, and some that's just too dark and weird even for me. I mean, there are even a few disturbing adult animations that messed with my head so badly that I couldn't sleep one night! This brings me to a problem that's been rattling around in my head for months...

As many of you probably gathered from the dialog in the Experiment series, and the inclusion of Frankie, Little Demon and Maxine in my roster of characters, monsters were kind of always supposed to be a part of the larger world that my characters inhabit, but when you add monsters to a world full of free spirited, adventurous girls... things happen. Now, before you start to worry, I'm not the kind of creative type who likes to create characters, give you time to get attached to them, and then kill them off or torture them in some horrible way for the pathos of it. (In fact, I HATE when TV shows do that!!!) But the problem with monsters is that they don't exactly ASK NICELY for what they want, do they? And they are by nature dangerous... So where do you draw the line? Or do you draw a line at all? If your gonna put monsters in to a story, do just let them loose to do their thing and that's just part of the story?

The short comic below was done mostly as a render test/practice for the second half of the Halloween special, but as I talked to a friend of mine about this subject, I realized that not everyone draws the line in the same place, and what doesn't bother me, may be really disturbing to some, and vice versa. So I'm really wondering, do I just finish the story my way and just release it with a warning, or do I make a fully uncensored version and a version with the more graphic bits cut out, and let you choose which one you want to read? I'm looking for honest feed back folks, so don't be afraid to comment down below or message me, as always!

Anyway, I hope you guys are all doing well and staying safe! More stuff coming soon!

(the image above is from a canceled comic that would have been Frankie's first stand alone story. Also pictured are an early prototype for Mako and Megan)




I think it depends on your motive for rendering the story. If you are doing it for the creativity and art then doing it your way is the best and let readers decide if they like it. If you have a market motive then the two version approach makes more sense.


The issue that I'm trying to work through (aside from trying not to drop spoilers) is that there are one or two scenes that I always had planned that may be a bit more extreme then people are used to from me. But in my head they convey the danger of the situation. (this is a Halloween Horror edition of an X-Rated comic) so I think I may just do the "two versions" thing just to keep it from ruining people's enjoyment of the story. Thanks for the feed back. It really does help a lot