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Please take a moment to answer the poll, it really does help! Thanks

If you read the first part of the Halloween Special or the Experiment series, you can probably tell that some of these stories are headed into weird territory. But I want to keep things fun, so what I REALLY WANT TO KNOW is how you guys feel about it. Are Monsters and Girls a good combo, or would you prefer things stay lite and fun? (I'm not planning to get too dark but some story idea do involve things getting pretty crazy)



I could have answered 4 as well But only if I think of the Maxine household with little demon and Frankie (I wonder what happened to Jason?) have there own adventures. I could easily see them have to fight/sexually drain to death the last master of little D who comes looking for her. Or the creator of Frankie with a female version trying to get him back. Of course the female version decides to stay and adds to the household. 😁


That's a fair. I really have to dig up the very first Frankie story for you guys... (it's buried way down in the archives... I may have to re-download it myself. From the old Art of Darkness days) as I set up the idea of a female Frankie looking for revenge. And Little D still lives with Jason. Maxine just looks after her sometimes, and 'Old Master' will eventually come looking for her.


I'm a fan of lite and cute (hence my vote). However if you're an artist you may want to explore other directions and there's nothing wrong with that. If you include a warning that a work is not rated 'lite and cute' or a deviation from your usual style I would deem that sufficient.


That's totally fair. Nikki's stories are usually meant to be lite and fun, with the worst possible outcome being her getting caught doing something naughty and getting told off for it. I did want to try my hand at something moodier and more serious (not that Nikki will stop making jokes through it) so I think I'll take your advice from the previous post and make an extended version. Either way, I just hope everyone enjoys which ever version they read