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Holy crap, you guys... I was sorting through some old files and I realized that I made a thing for you guys and then totally forgot to post it!

So pulled the files together and made this for you last night. I had an idea for a one off image way back in July 2020 and I documented the process. So check it out and I hope you  enjoy the behind the scenes look at a previously unpublished images I call "The Goddess" (even if your not that interested, check it out any way... she's got 4 boobs!)


And the next installment of 'The Experiment" is coming in a few days






Ok so when you go all 300 on us you really go... 🤪


LOL... SPARTANS! PREPARE FOR GLORY! (I do admit, I liked that movie... And what says Bronze Age Bad-Ass more then a Spartan?)


Hahahaha... I really have to watch that movie! It's been on my to do list for years! 🤣🤣🤣


Quite educational. Do you use any kind of physics simulations? Cloth, hair, liquids(wink wink nudge nudge), boobs


Unfortunately DS doesn't have much in the way of that. Only simple collision detection and D-Force for some dynamic clothing. (and I honest don't know if D-Force works on older figures or there dynamic clothes or just the new stuff) I can do smoothing and collision on figures (like boobs) but it sometimes cause more problems because it effects the whole figure. Most fluids are props morphed, collision detected to the figure, or fixed in GIMP. LOL