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Hey Everyone...

Just a quick message to let you all know that I'm fine and I hope you all are too. I was finishing up some work on a product for Renderotica when I checked Twitter and saw the news from Washington DC. Honestly, I've been so pissed off the last few hours that I haven't gotten much done since. But where I am, all is quiet. I made dinner, fed the fur patrol, and I think I'm gonna turn in early...


Okay, I just need to say this somewhere... 

I hate politics. I don't care who you are, where you're from, or what you believe in. I care about people. You will never see me trying to push my beliefs on you here, or anywhere else, and if there is any justice in this stupid universe, I'll never have to write another message like this, but I just need to say it... just once, where I know another human being will see it. In my 39 years, there has been a lot of craziness in this country, and in the world in general, and way more before my time. But in all my 39 years, never once have I looked at an image of the Capital of this country and felt sadness or shame. Until today. The saddest and most heartbreaking thing I've ever seen is a group of self interested morons proclaiming Democracy by actively trying to deprive others (and by extension, themselves) of it... The people of this country, and the entire world, deserve better, and I always believed that we could be better... Way to drop the ball on 10,000 years of human progress...  

[Okay, rant over... sorry about that]

I'll get back to work in the morning, and make some fun stuff you you guys. But for now, I need to take my mind off of just how little I think of humanity right now... I hope you are all safe and well and warm were ever you are. 

-As with all things, this too shall pass



Where’s Wonder Woman & Nikki when you need to kick ass 😉


Oh, we both know Nikki would just wind up flirting with Wonder Woman and slow her down... LOL