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... And now for something completely different...

Hey everyone!

As always, I hope you're all safe and well! 

So let's be honest here. I've been feeling a bit stressed lately, I'm sure, like a lot of you. The holidays are upon us, I haven't seen most of my family in months, and money is really tight. This is, by the way, a good time to mention how much I appreciate all of you here! Whether you support me for a month, or hang in there for the long haul, I really do appreciate you guys! So anyway, feeling stressed has made it hard to concentrate (something I already had a problem with, as you guys well know) and I decided to try and break my little funk by going off road for a bit to do some more random image series!

I've been watching/rewatching the OXVenture livestreams on YouTube to keep myself entertained while I try to work (if you are not familiar with OXVenture, it's a live Dungeons and Dragons game hosted by Outside Xbox, Outside Extra, and Dicebreaker and the stories/adventures are hilarious!) and even though I've never really been in to DnD or Sword and Sorcery stuff, It's clearly started to make an impression... So I refurbed a few old characters and made An Adventurer's Tale (20 images) for you guys to enjoy, and I'll have a few more random shorts for you soon.

Also, while money is tight and my imagination is being unruly, I may be taking a few short commissions soon. Obviously, you guys already pay me to make comics and stuff so I'm not trying to shake you down for more cash, and your suggestions for images/series here on Patreon are still welcome as always! I just thought I'd put it out there for you guys first if you're interested in a custom character or short image series (contact me in the messages or on DA if interested) ...


Anyway, I hope you enjoy this little side story, with more fun stuff coming soon, and I PROMISE Nikki will be back very very soon!





Darrian Ashoka

Interested to hear you were inspired by OXVenture, I love those guys 😁


Yeah, I found their Oxventure streams in the last few months and I'm totally hooked. I went back and rewatched every stream/video at least twice! Obviously the one were Jane's character, Prudence, strips nude to guard something and calls herself "Nudence" stirred something in my dirty little mind. LOL. Whats really weird is I have been watching their game videos for years, but I don't really play video games!


Definitely interested in more of this.