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Okay... Hi everyone! (welcome to any new members)

It's been an interesting 2 weeks. Not actually bad, but busy and daunting. Anyway, been busy working on to many things at once. Wanted to make you guys a new Nikki poster or something yesterday, but spent 2 hours fighting with GIMP because it kept resizing product images that need to say a certain size... odd... 

So enjoy (I hope) some images of The Amazon squaring off against She-Hulk that I made while on hold with customer service last week... (obviously, I wasn't on hold the WHOLE ime, but I got bored of elevator music and started to tinker) Of course they get dirtier as it goes on...


More fun stuff for you guys soon I hope, now, back to work...(for me I mean, enjoy your Saturday!)




Perfect timing as She-Hulk was just announced as coming to Marvel Phase 4.