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{Edited 3:32am EST: Link fixed! Sorry, forgot to click the option to share with anyone with a link)

Hey everyone!

I hope you're all doing well and staying safe! Just finished lettering the second and final part of The Adventures of Nikki: Girls Night part 2. I would have had this posted this morning, but I decided to proof read it and found some errors that needed fixing (surprise surprise... Never type out all your dialog at 4am) Anyway, here it is the rest of the story, at least the parts I finished before abandoning it (unfinished story, remember). That's still 122 pages and the girls are naked the whole time... so, that's something. And there's a sneak peek of some art work from some upcoming projects at the end... Bonus

Meanwhile, I had better get back to work. Got comics to finish, products to make, and mischief to cause... I hope you all enjoy





Awesome 'Clips!


That was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed the commentary, far more interesting then the "Here's some old stuff... Deal" type of attitude others put out.


Well, i'm glad you enjoyed that. Frankly I was worried that it would feel like a cop out but hopefully it gave a little insight into what it's like making these. I've started so many comics that fizzled out that it's getting a little sad. I've lost entire folders of artwork not due to drive failure, but due to me not bothering to transfer it to new PCs and such because I didn't think those hundreds of images were worth saving... But I always makes me happy to think that my silliness makes others crack a smile


Ooooh, loved the double ended dildo ;-) Fi~Fi XXX