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Hey everyone, I hope you're all safe and well! 

Oh, before I forget again... I finally have a Twitter account. So follow me @Apocalypse3DX for updates and new posts. Anyway...

So some times you get an idea in your head and it sticks and you can't move on until you get it out... So I had this idea for an image series, if you remember in Ask Nikki 2, the artsy black and white nudes of Nikki... Well what if one of Nikki's old college friends (the one that took the photos) asked Nikki to model for a sort of photo essay... You'll probably see these pics again in an art gallery in a later story, but of course I thought you'd like a copy to have now...

Especially since they took me almost all week to render. I wanted haze and god-rays for some shots so I used volumetrics  which look cool but are a bitch to render. The upside is that some of these shots are pretty cool, the downside is the god-rays didn't come out like I wanted... Oh well. It's short, and it tells a short... And Nikki is naked the whole time so... that's something. Alright, back to work...Stay safe, feel loved 





That would be so much fun as a finished story


Maybe it will be at some point... But for now, just some art I needed to get out of my system... LOL




Very. I had a reason to make it, but once the idea popped into my head, just needed to go ahead and make it! That happens sometimes


Looks great


Wow, love this story and the images! Great job!