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Hey Everyone! I hope you are all well and staying safe! (I know, i know... We are all getting a little tired of hearing people say that...) But it's true.

Anyway, here comes the first batch of pages from the new Ask Nikki series (pages 1-20) including questions from you guys and the folks at Deviant Art (posting in segments on DA starting tonight) . Enjoy! With, I'm sure, more on the way. And if you still have a question for Nikki, myself, or ANY on my characters, put it in the comments, and if you asked a question and you don't see it here, let me know as Patreon is not the best at sending notifications sometimes!


Also, since I'm doing Ask Nikki, and trying to finish Matters of Privacy, look forward to some bonus material from 'the vault' this weekend (and by the vault, I mean my harddrives... you guys got that right? You did! Sweet!) so let me know if there's a classic image or something you like to see posted again! Stay Awesome Guys!




Hey gang! Missing you all, socially distance HUGGLES for all :-D Thanks for the mention Nikki, love you babes XXX