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Hey everyone! Hope you are all doing well!

I was hoping to get this to you before the end of February, but even with an extra day, I still couldn't quite make it... New computer, dead back up drive, helping family move, sorting out personal and family business... Adulting is hard... anyway...

Here's the next 50+ pages of Nikki's story (I spent the last 8 hours getting it ready, Just for you) I know it's a long one, but apparently it takes a lot of talking to get into a strangers apartment with a pervert in tow... even for Nikki! Anyway, there a lot of setup in this one, so hopefully the next one will be all payoff (you know, the good stuff...) but I made sure to get everybody just about naked by the end of this one, so next time, we jump right into the action...


I hope you enjoy, and I'll see you all soon with more naughty goodness!




Just a page or two in & there are some grammar issues, maybe just typos...but cringingly noticeable. Any help you need proof reading stuff, just let me know, I'd be more than happy to help Nikki with the "Queens English" ;-) XXX


Appreciate the offer, but if anything, this just shows that I shouldn't proof read my own writing at 5am... And is it just me or are the worst errors on the very first two pages?