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Hey everyone, just throwing a little for fun artwork your way.

I made these as a joke for my friends at Deviant Art, but I wanted to make sure you guys got a copy to. After all, Nikki's in it. Besides, It's not everyday that Erogenesis let's me play around with this prized flagship character, Lali ! And besides besides, BOOBS!!!


The link should include all four 'collectable versions' (sorry, since they were for DA, they're all R-rated... but soo many boobs!)

I'll have to make some exclusive Patreon versions that are a little naughtier, what do you think? Maybe a desktop background? 

And if your wondering why those artist get a mention and not you guys so far, it's because A.) They've been good friends/loyal supporters for years and I feel like I know them personally... well enough to make fun of them anyway. B.) They all have 3D avatars or photos posted so I know what they look like (many were included as a surprise)... and C.) They let me... The first half of the series was posted here on Patreon and on my DA page a few months back. But if you have a Deviant Art account, please feel free to stop by and don't be afraid to comment! (But let me know if you're a current or past Patron, or followed me on Tumblr or whatever or are using a different screen name from what I know. I'll comment back either way, but that way I know who I'm talking to!)   




Nikki and Lali!!!!!!!!! I'd buy that comic twice.