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Hey Everyone!

Again, so sorry to drop of the map again (it wasn't on purpose, I swear)

I just wanted to let you guys know that the reason I was away from the computer all week was that I was in the hospital. You may remember from my last update that I mentioned having Bronchitis/the Flu, well the symptoms kept coming back and getting worse, so I finally went to the ER and found out that I in fact had Pneumonia and congestive heart failure. So they kept me under observation and did a bunch of tests. And took a ton of blood. And gave me meds that make me pee every twenty minutes. Good news is the Pneumonia is cleared up. The down side is that I'm on a heart monitor for the next few months. Hopefully I'll back to normal soon, but I wanted you all to know what was going on.

And for your own sake, if you have a cough that won't quit, trouble sleeping/or you wake up gasping for air, have swelling in your feet, legs, hands or appear to have put on 4 or 5 pounds over night, get to a hospital NOW! Heart Failure is no joke and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Take care of yourselves my friends!

In other, lighter, news. My TV died while I was away. I left it on for the noise (so my dog and cats didn't freak out and so people wouldn't know I wasn't home) but I didn't realize that I wouldn't be back for 8 days so when I got home the set was dead. Why am I telling you this, because that TV is also the monitor for my render PC (so I don't have to squint during long render sessions) so I couldn't make a new image to go with this post. I ordered a new one, it should be here tomorrow, but again just keeping you guys informed. Life... 



Dude, your awesome. Your work is awesome. So, no. You cant quit on us. You are too important to the world. I'm afraid you will have to life a long life. All jokes aside, I hope you are feeling better. :)


Tell Nikki if she needs a ride over there to go all "Nurse Nikki-Nightingale" and easy your heart back into the super sexiness, just give me call and I'll bring her there for you. But if it takes a while, don't worry, I'll have her there eventually. We will need food and lots of hydration when we get there. I'll call Domino's when we're 15 minutes away (we just won't tell the cardiologist about the pizza, sssshhhhhh).


Sorry you had to deal with this! My family has a history of heart disorders and it can be hell at times. We’re here for you and wish the speediest of recoveries! Your health is the most important thing of all!


OMG, you take care my close friend, sorry there isn't anything I can do but give you moral support & of course HUGGLES ;-) Fi~Fi XXX


Thank you for the kind wishes. Sorry to hear that heart problems run in your family (mine as well, I now realize) Health is important, but so is my sanity, so hopefully I'll be back to work soon!


LOL. Thanks. (the funny thing is, the entire time I was in hospital, I was dreaming of a pizza, and of course it's one of the first things on the list I can't have...)


I'm not planned on going any where, I just have to take better care of myself from here on. All go, No quit! But I do get tired a little faster then I used to, so bear with me and I'll get more Nikki and the girls to you as soon as possible.


Get well soon, your stuff is amazing