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Hey Everyone. Once again, sorry I've been quiet lately. Stuff going on...

(Pardon the old pic...)

So before I go mentioning it anywhere else, I thought I should tell you that I lost my job last week. Now, I'm not saying that for pity, just keeping you in the loop about whats going on. If I'm honest, I hated that job, but I will miss seeing some of the people every day. Oh well... Now that I have a ton of free time, hopefully I'll be able to devote more time to things like comics. Though, if you've ever been fired, you know it does take a bit of a mental toll so I've been taking it easy this past week. But I've been through this before, and I know I can't let myself stagnate so I'll be trying to stay busy. That's the first big bit of news.

The second is that I have started work on a new image series for your membership bonus this month. It will feature Nikki and Chloe (since someone out there seems to be a big Chloe fan) And I'll try to have that ready for next week. Also been giving some thought as to how to finish Nikki Gets Nailed Part 2 so I can finally get that to you guys. So look forward to updates on that soon.

In the meantime, be well, be safe... Know that Nikki and the girls love you, and I think your alright too...
