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Okay, imagine that Nikki has a friend who hosts a late night talk show where she interviews famous 3D OC characters... Now imagine that this friend, Kim (who is also a 3D pornstar) asks Nikki to come on the show to fill in for an injured guest... And play Twenty Questions! Okay you can stop imagining (I mean, if you want to) because I just uploaded it for you guys to read!

This is just a bit of fun I made to post over at Deviant Art for a buddy of mine, but I went way overboard (like always) and it seemed only right that you guys get a copy to, while you are waiting for Nikki Gets Nailed Part 2 with is in production (gosh... Posing a four-way scene is hard work!)...

So enjoy this fun little piece and maybe learn some stuff about Nikki you didn't know before! 



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