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Hey everyone! First off, sorry for being so quiet this week! Between work (apparently, lots of people like to take time off during the summer for, whats that word? Va-cat-ions...? Yeah well I don't really do those, so I'm the one who gets left to fill in. sigh) and the summer heat (Which I have already complained about  in previous posts) my inspiration to work on things has been lacking, but that's not the only reason I'm so behind...

Because I want to keep things honest, and because I thought it was funny enough to share with you, I though you should see what I've been up to. 

I had been wanting to play Fallout 4 ever since I heard about it a couple of years ago. I'm not a big gamer (like Nikki), in fact, the last game I really got into was Halo 2 (That was a while back, wasn't it) but the story/world of Fallout sounded like a lot of fun (to play, not to live in...). 

Anyway, I decided about two and a half weeks ago (while my account was suspended) to order a copy of FO4 for pc, but I knew I couldn't just play it like a normal person. So as soon as it arrived I downloaded some of the dirtiest mods I could find and fired it up. I also tried to craft a player character (with custom body shape) that resembled Nikki and had her run around bare-assed naked as much as possible! 

(Link Below: WARNING! I left almost all of the Mod Options turned on so there is some questionable stuff in the photo set involving Raiders 'capturing' poor Nikki and also some stuff involving Dogmeat)


The Mods I installed allow the player and the NPC's (Non Player Characters) to have sex at random, so it has made my playthrough so far pretty interesting, dirty, and in places, hilariously funny! I feel a bit guilty about playing the game when I should be working on comics (mostly in the evenings after work) so I thought I'd take a load of screen caps to share with you! I'll have some actual content to share with you soon, but FUCK, did I need this! Making comics and keeping in touch with you guys is very important to me, but sometime you just need to escape into a game, and cause some mayhem that you didn't have to pose or photoshop, ya know? 

Anyhow, let me know if you liked these or If you've played Fallout 4 (or any version, with or without mods) and I'll talk to you guys soon!



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