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Hey Everybody!

Just wanted to give guys a quick update. I apologize for the lack of posts so far this week. I am trying to get my insomnia under control, so I haven't been doing late night render session like I usually do. (I've had it since high school, off an on, but last week I was an hour late for work at my day job... so I need to get back on track or else)

Also, I will try to find some fun sketches or something to post for you a little later. I just wanted to let you know whats going on while i could since my internet connection has been going in and out (faster then a John with a Hooker who charges by the minute... sorry, I thought It up and couldn't stop myself) the last couple days. I'll see what I can find / make for you this evening.... Thanks everyone. Hugs and High Fives 

Oh, PS. Since I'm behind schedule anyway,  You still have a couple days to get any questions for the next Ask Nikki in...  



Don't worry dude, your health & work comes first, porn is porn & that can wait. When I have to get to sleep about 1900 so I can get up at 0200 I can't spend all evening looking at porn & fucking my arse (Although I'd love to), I take a sleepeaze tablet & listen to an audio short story & soon fall asleep ;-) HIGH 5's to you & Nikki big smoochy squashy HUGGLES to Nikki :-D Fi~Fi XXX


Thanks Fi-Fi. I'll try and get some 3d work done today when the heat in my room dies down a bit. Work is important but you gotta have fun or what are you working for? Hugs and hi fives to you (and be kind to your bum, it's the only one you've got... lol)


I'll be fine. Just need to retrain myself to sleep when 'normal' people sleep... Know that Nikki loves you back, and I, at very least, owe you a big hug too