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I want to like, change up Patreon in a way that lets me do what I want to do.

While also granting rewards, but I'm having trouble figuring out. honestly Stressed out too cause I've had it for so god damn long but it hasn't budged an inch towards what I want in years.

I should've considered this from the beginning honestly.

instead of all these tiers, I'm gonna strictly hover around three tiers.

So $2 is going back to $1

I'm gonna merge both $7 and $10 Tiers into $10

Every Tier is gonna be able to vote on ideas on what I should from here on in.

However $5 and up tiers are gonna be able to submit potential sketch ideas for polls

and see WIPS stuff, and stuff I dare possibly not gonna post on twitter, the rest of the works.

PSD files are now to $10

I wanna make this Patreon work , and its been frustrating not to mention anxiety inducing all this time.

Discord Soon.

Lemme make some stuff for first to make patreon feel like my personal patreon.



Take as much is needed to revamp your Patreon

James Dougell

Whatever is going to help you the most, man. You deserve support for your great work, I'm excited to see how this changes things and love the idea of getting more stuff from you!


Awesome! I hope everything goes smoothly for you from here on out!