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IT"S JULY! The month of... uhh... what does usually happen in July? We have no idea. We've been in Space for so long we don't even know what months are anymore. BUT for those of you who are closer to earth and may be wondering if there's something Team Nessassity has planned for this month, I have some good news!

Today's Monthly Mod Report will be all about the loooong-awaited Drow shipset for Elves of Stellaris, so prepare your space NOPE repellent because you're probably going to spot a few down below!

Ready? Are you sure? Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you! Without further adoooooooooo!

Elves of Stellaris 

First order of business, the drow battleship model I teased last month is complete! Not only that, it will be releasing alongside a small update As Soon As Elfly Possible™ assuming we run into no outstanding issues!

As always, the model went through a few iterations since the initial WIP preview, but, amazingly, we didn't decide to scrap it and start over halfway through! Is this what it's like to have an efficient design process? Are we like... getting better at it?

Naaaah... t-that's impossible! I-if we lose our endearing air-headedness, what will I have to talk about every month? No way! >o<

Oh well, we'll deal with that world-ending emergency later. FOR NOW, let's get straight to what everyone is here for and look at some more pictures!

And of course the purrrrrple <3 variant!

One big difference between the model from last month and this one that might have immediately jumped out at you (other than the glowing red NOPE all over the ship) is the increased bulk.
While most of the smaller Drow ships feature the "webbing", as I like to call it, as more of a decorative element, with most of the vessel's actual subsystems located within the central complex... it didn't quite feel right for a battleship, a ship literally designed for large-scale engagements, to look so frail. As such, the webbing has been fortified with lots and lots of armour!
We're going to carry this design element as we move into other heavy ships, especially the Titan!

Oh! And speaking of big ships, the next one is already in production and progressing at breakneck speed now that we know how to differentiate them from the lighter classes!

Right now we call it the "dreadnought" and it was initially meant for SCX, but we are now rethinking our approach to non-vanilla ship classes. It is possible (and becoming more and more likely the more we discuss this) that the "dreadnought" will actually become another Battleship variant. Because this giant pincer-thing?

It's begging to have a bunch of big guns stuck all over the place!

As you can see, it will feature heavily armoured webbing as well, but without sacrificing any of the elegance and all those imposing curves and sharp edges!

The drow may not get along with all the other elves but there's one thing they can all unanimously agree on. There's no such thing as form over function. Form IS function. If your subjugation of lesser species does not burn the dread-inspiring image of your fleet slowly descending upon them into their genetic memory, why even bother?

Anyways, this is variant 1 of the Drow Battleship, coming to Elves of Stellaris as we speak! And with it, the shipset is getting one huge step closer to completion! Next up on our list is the "dreadnought", the Titan I teased last month, and... can you guess what this is? n_n

Dun dun dunnnn!

Before we end today's post, just a quick note on the Unannounced Project that I promised would be un-announced mid-June. While that was the intention, there were some technical developments that put the viability of the project in question. Nessa thinks there may be a solution, but until we confirm, we don't want to tease something that we may not be able to put into production at all. Hopefully we can come up with something to make it happen because I really want to finally tell you what the vague butts I'm even alluding to!

Until then, thank you a trillion times for your continued support and interest in our mods! You make Space all warm and fuzzy for us <3

So we hope you like the new shippy and have lots of fun playing Stellaris and destroying all sorts of unworthy excuses for civilisation with it!



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