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Greetings, Valued Customers! This month's special Investor Summary will synergestically encapsulate bleeding-edge innovations Coming Soon to our customers in anticipation for the imminent merger of Team Nessassity with our progress-oriented friends at Megacorp! A low-risk high-payoff move which will guarantee long-term-sustainable vertical and horizontal extensibility of Stellaris content for the foreseeable future!

Of course, here at Team Nessassity, we understand that it is better to contextualize intuitively than to macro-whiteboard, so in order to enhance User Experience, we will break it down into web-ready bandwidth-saving format! Without further pontificatioooooon...

Mass Effect Civilisations - Asari 

We realise that it has been a long time since this product has received extensive updates. That does not, however, indicate that we have forgotten it! By synchronistically and flexibly operationalising at full bandwidth over the last few months' development cycle, we are close to achieving all pre-Le Guin milestones even though its deployment did not align with our projections.

Reconceptualisation of space-marketed mining and research utility structures progresses at an assertively compelling rate and is expected to be ready for consumption before our priorities shift to Megacorp integration.
But we are pleased to announce that both the dynamic market-expansion solution in the form of Asari Colony Ship and our cutting-edge Colossal-scale dynamic client-oriented terraforming platform have been finalised and are ready for distribution imminently.
We have already advertised the future-proof specifications of our Colonizer in last month's press release, so today we will focus on the long-awaited Colossus product overview!

Here at Team Nessassity, we believe in Customer Choice. It is not our role to stifle co-branded, user-defined innovation with immaterial concerns. We always stand for the rights of our customers against regressivist lobbies using the pretext of ethics and politics to halt technological progress and restrict your access to the next-generation, premier, multi-functional inventions of the galaxy's leading tech trail-blazers.

We trust our clients to utilise our products to the full extent of their dynamic design, in accordance to their needs and demands of the competitive interstellar landscape in which they operate.

Do you have a strategy to leverage your presence on the galactic stage? Think reconfigurable. Think fractal. Think long-term. But don't think all three at the same time. We will raise your aptitude to morph without devaluing your power to maximize.

And to help you understand how, let us present a streamlined rundown of the Colossus' groundbreaking design features:

  • Military-grade state-of-the-art smart-composite Titan-class armour plating ensures operational safety in any environment!
  • Three high-performance, high-durability, high-capacity, wide-surface thermal radiators vent heat with unprecedented efficiency, guaranteeing the stability of the power core over long periods of continuous use!
  • Internal multipurpose, creativity-oriented full-length spinal operational array suited for an infinite variety of tasks, ready to meet the exacting specifications of the most demanding users!
  • Heavily armoured, smart-sealing aperture airlock protects the primary operational array from contamination until all delicate setup procedures are complete!
  • Two layers of a total of six heavily armoured, smart-jointed, segmented, highly articulated utility arms create an additional layer of flexible, adjustable protection during both transit and deployment, capable of dynamically reconfiguring to meet the needs of the moment!
  • Cutting-edge custom-designed propulsion system, hyperoptimised to provide BIG thrust for a BIG ship!
  • Sleek, stylish, unique design that presents a visually pleasing, elegant, modern silhouette in transit mode and a high-impact, memorable, goal-oriented power-image in deployment mode!

Pre-order your Asari-engineered Colossus at any of our partnered Ascension Perk vendors to receive free consultation with our PR team to help you seamlessly synergise an agile onboarding solution customised for your local market!

We hope that this detailed feature overview helped you see the benefits of acquiring your own Team Nessassity-designed Colossus before your competition does.

But that's not all! In order to facilitate your adjustment to the holistic economic transformation currently sweeping the galaxy, we at Team Nessassity have iteratively evolved our design of mining and research facilities that synergistically comprise the backbone of your bricks-and-clicks enterprises. We are not yet ready to reveal the sensitive details of our boundary-pushing design in the current phase of development, but we can show a vertical slice that represents the ideation vector we are processing.

Both raw resource acquisition and R&D platforms will use a standardised base design, with client-facing and goal-oriented structural and stylistic features facilitating at-a-glance brand recognition.

On the topic of recognition, we have recently reevaluated the performance of our ships in the context of user-oriented feedback, and we have engineered several means of enhancement that we will be rolling out to earlier models alongside the upcoming product lineup.

With these visual feedback enhancements, our ships will now properly display damage as their structural integrity is compromised. In addition, longer and more eventful sequences of explosions, followed by localised gas and plasma venting will accompany critical core breach!

We of course wish to assure our customers that this is a feature meant to enhance the kinetic experience of using our ships. It is in no way an indication of lower-quality materials or lowered construction standards, and we guarantee that it will have no measurable effect on our ships' combat performance.

This concludes the Investor Summary. Thank you for your continued investment and brand loyalty. We at Team Nessassity always strive to deliver highest-quality, innovation-driven products that satisfy the needs of our discerning customers. Please look forward to upcoming press releases following our scheduled incorporation into Megacorp as well as Megacorp-compliant updates and enhancements to all our products over the next few weeks!

Communication is ever-important to us so if you wish to be kept up-to-date on our short-term progress, behind-the-scenes look into R&D and miscellaneous announcements, you can follow us on social media @PrincessitySC2.

Until then, stay engaged and continue consuming Stellaris <3




That Colossus looks really, really nice! Can't wait to 'Terraform' some planets with it! ^^ Btw I really liked your corporate speech. It must have taken a while to write! I do a lot of writing (both for work and myself) and if I had to make this it would take me a very long time (and ... I have to grudgingly admit it would probably not be as awesome =P).


It helps that I have a bit of experience but it still took me all day! It was exhausting! I learned a lot of new buzzwords yesterday XD


Hi Princessity, have Paradox devs fixed the code to make custom species work yet?


Nuh, I'm sorry, not yet. We were hoping they'd do that in the last beta patch before the holiday break but they didn't. That means we have to wait probably until mid-January when they said they'd be back. But we're using the extra time to put more content into the Elves and Asari updates: more art assets, additional functionality, fluff and features that we were originally planning to work on post-release. It also affords us more time for testing which we don't usually get around major DLC releases. So while the wait will be longer, we're hoping that the extra time in the oven will result in bigger, more polished and comprehensive updates.