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Алексей Петрухин

Hi! I just want you to know that you are an awesome modmaker and your work is so beautiful and high-quality!

Алексей Петрухин

Well, in fact, that's not all. Can I be a little impudent and ask to transfer the armor or models (choose what is better for your taste, I rely on your experience) of Sister Friede from Dark souls 3 or Emma from Sekiro. I hope my tier will allow me to ask for it.

Алексей Петрухин

And I hope that you will not rush yourself because of my request, please work in your usual rhythm. Thank you, I wish you all the best!


this is fire dude im hyped to see gwynevere and isshin

Wei Zhao

hi i jus added you on discord was hoping to get a password?

kim holdener

Can't wait for the Wo Long outfit! :)

Cpt Blackscreen

good day sir, recently got a t3 requestet some DL. thanks for your work!


any one know a show called samurai champloo


I like your mods, check your messages I have a question

Jack Orr

how do you download these mods I cant find the google drive link anywhere for any of the armors i want to download