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Eva tried to push his arm off of hers, but he was as immovable as a stone. Thinking that perhaps she had not put in enough strength, she took a deep breath this time, and tried again. This time, she did not bother to hold back and really pushed with her whole might.

She could feel some movement and was overjoyed! However, her joy was cut short as his arm felt so heavy that she was really having a hard time lifting it.

URGH!! What on earth did he eat? Cement and rocks?! How could he be so damned heavy?! Eva was so focussed on getting his arm off her that she did not notice her efforts were already disturbing the sleeping man. All her grunts and heavy pants while trying to move his arm had already alerted him to her actions.

Unknown to the struggling Eva, Gage’s eyes suddenly snapped open. But she, who was still focussed on her own agenda at that moment did not realise it. He looked at the feisty kitten who was frowning and suddenly tightened his arm around her, pulling her closer to his chest in one quick move.

That unexpected move took Eva by surprise, and she gave out a little frightened shriek. One moment, she was still stuck there lying in this man’s arms, and in the next moment, she was being tugged and squashed in his embracing arms.

Eva furrowed her brows and wanted to rebuke Gage for simply embracing her for no reason. She tilted her head up and was ready to launch a tirade at the man but end up catching her breath instead. His face was so near! She could see his flawless skin and how his long and thick lashes curling up ever so slightly as it rested on his cheeks. Her face immediately flushed red as she quickly looked down. However, what greeted her sight was her small palms that were splayed on his very solid and very drool-worthy chest.

Oh. My. Lord! His heat, his steady and strong heartbeats that were being transmitted directly to her palms that were on his pectorals, his warm breaths that were puffing into her face… everything about him at that moment were threatening to overwhelm her already overloaded senses and turn her brain to mush. She was afraid that if this keeps up, she might end up actually relaxing into his embrace. No, damn it! Eva! You must not! Work… work!! You have to work! You need to get up. Now! Her internal monologue was trying to make some sense and get her body to listen to reason.

She pushed weakly at his chest, like a little kitten pawing at some toy. But he was not budging. She felt like she was chained completely in his arms. Like there was no escape for her anymore.

She could feel her mind reaching the limits of its endurance. Any more stimulation, and she would literally have smoke coming out of her ears from her overheated brain. Left without a choice she reluctantly called out his name.

“Mr. Acheron. W-we nee… need to get up now.” Her voice sounded out in the silence.

His response was only a rumbling ‘hmm’ and then he returned to being quiet again. That sound seemed to have tickled something inside her and for a moment, she just stayed still as if waiting for him to make that sound again. However, she was quick to snap out of her daze and started shouting at herself inwardly. What the hell was wrong with her?! Oh my god, this man was really something! He really is as dangerous as she had expected – no, he was even more than that! And she needed to get away from his clutches now or else… or else she might really regret it! She could already foresee the possible challenges and complications she would face if she got entangled too much with this man! Their relationship was strictly professional! She needed to remember that.

She began to struggle in his arms again, trying to free herself from his tight grasp. She thought that it was impossible for him to still not wake up from all of her movements. “Mr. Acheron… please!” even she could hear the desperate plea in her own voice.

When he still did not respond, Eva finally called out his name a little louder, just short of shouting at him. “Gage!!!”

At last, he finally eased his hold on her. But… only just enough for them to be able to look at each other.

“Yes, darling?” was the very first words he said.
The nonchalance and familiarity in his expression and tone had her reeling in utter disbelief. How could he be behaving like this?

Here she was, being all flustered and overwhelmed and going almost batshit crazy at how close they were with the sudden skinship that was going on between them. And here he was, acting as if there was nothing amiss with their current situation. Like this was all totally fine. As if this was an everyday occurrence that he had already long gotten used to. Something that didn’t even make sense to her because the two of them just met literally a few days ago and weren’t even in a romantic relationship!

“You… you really are trying out my patience, aren’t you?” she hissed out. If she were a cat, she would have all her claws brandished and fur standing up, hissing and spitting in agitation. She so badly wanted to head butt him for being annoyingly calm and even seemed to be enjoying himself at her expense.

He lifted an elegant brow at her. Then he pressed his forefinger on the deep lines that had formed between her eyebrows. “You really turn into a tigress the moment you wake up.” He sounded amused and chuckled after he said that. “You were like a clingy and furry kitten while you were asleep –” he mused while he patted her head.

“You turned my alarm off last night, didn’t you?” she cut him off, narrowing her eyes accusingly at him.



Oh God Eva ....just enjoy , pleaseeeeeee🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Stephanie Jones

Of course he did. 😂😂😂 Girl! Get your grab on while you can. 😂😂😂